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Journal Guidelines for Authors

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Journal Guidelines for Authors at Brahmanbaria Medical College

Brahmanbaria Medical College (BMC) is a prestigious private medical institution, renowned for its excellence in academic performance since its establishment in 2013. Affiliated with Chittagong Medical University and recognized by the Bangladesh Medical and Dental Council (BM&DC), BMC began publishing its double-blinded, peer-reviewed Medical Journal in January 2019. The Journal of Brahmanbaria Medical College (JBMC), with International Standard Serial Number (ISSN) 2709-6955, welcomes articles from authors worldwide, with a special interest in research relevant to developing countries.

Journal Information

  • Publication Frequency: Biannually (January and July)
  • Language: English
  • Indexing: Efforts are underway to index the journal in major international systems such as PubMed/MEDLINE, Index Medicus, Google Scholar, DOAJ, Hinari, and Scopus.

Types of Manuscripts

  • Editorial: Invited articles based on current affairs in medical science. Maximum length: 1000 words. References: up to 10.
  • Original/Research Articles: Divided into sections: Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion, Limitation, Conclusion, Recommendation, Disclosure, and References. Maximum length: 3000 words (excluding abstract, tables, figures, and references). Minimum references: 10.
  • Special Articles/Short Communications: Medical-based text. Maximum length: 2500 words (excluding abstract, tables, figures, and references). References: up to 10.
  • Review Articles: Comprehensive articles divided into sections: Introduction, Search Strategy, Discussion, Conclusion, and Disclosure. Maximum length: 5000 words. References: up to 30. Authors must have written at least two original research articles and four case reports on the topic.
  • Case Reports: Sections include Introduction, Case Report, Images, Discussion, Conclusion, and Disclosure. Maximum length: 2000 words (excluding abstract and references). References: up to 10.
  • Letters: Brief and to the point. Maximum length: 500-600 words.

Submission Guidelines

  • Manuscript Preparation:

    • Typed in English (Font: Times New Roman, Size: 10)
    • A4 paper, double-spaced, with 2.5 cm margins
    • Full title and cover letter signed by the Principal and co-authors
    • Details of corresponding author: name, degrees, designation, affiliation, address, cell number, and email
    • Maximum of six authors per manuscript
  • Submission Method: Manuscripts should be submitted via email to jbmc.bmc@gmail.com (MS Word 2003/2007 format).

  • Abstract:

    • Structured, not exceeding 200 words
    • Headings: Background, Materials and Methods, Results, Conclusion
    • Data supporting key findings, no references, and include 3-6 keywords
  • References:

    • Follow Vancouver style
    • Numbered in Arabic numerals in the text
    • For books: authors, chapter title, editors, book name, edition, place of publication, publisher, year, pages
    • For journals: authors, article title, journal name, volume, issue, place of publication, publisher, year, pages
    • Up to six authors followed by ‘et al.’ if more than six
  • Tables:

    • Numbered using Roman numerals
    • Cited in text consecutively
    • Caption at the top
    • Statistical data included beneath the table
  • Figures/Graphs:

    • Numbered using Arabic numerals
    • Cited in text consecutively
    • Caption at the bottom
    • Reduced to fit one or two columns
  • Images/Photographs:

    • Unmounted glossy print, B-2 size, good contrast (600 pixels)
    • Maximum of three allowed
  • Declaration:

    • Statement signed by authors that the article or its parts are not published or submitted elsewhere
    • Declaration form available from the Editor-In-Chief or BMC’s website
  • Competing Interests:

    • Authors must declare any financial or other interests
    • If none, a statement declaring no competing interests must be included
  • Plagiarism Detection:

    • Manuscripts screened for plagiarism before peer review
    • Less than 20% plagiarism (excluding references) accepted

For further information or queries regarding submission, please contact the Editor-In-Chief via the provided email address. We look forward to your contributions to the Journal of Brahmanbaria Medical College.